Program Management
Affiliate Management
Manage affiliates and track their performance
Affiliate Management
Payment Tracking
Pending Commissions
Track commissions awaiting payment:
- Affiliate details
- Commission amounts
- Status: “En attente”
- Mark as Paid option
Paid Commissions
View completed payments:
- Payment date
- Amount paid
- Status: “Payé”
- Historical records
The platform provides payment tracking tools but does not process payments between creators and affiliates.
Status Management
Three possible affiliate statuses:
- ✓ Active - Fully approved affiliates who can generate referrals
- Pending - New applications awaiting review
- Inactive - Suspended or disabled accounts
Profile Overview
Basic Information
- Name - Affiliate’s full name
- Member since - Join date
- Status - Current affiliate status
- Avatar - Initials-based profile picture
Key Metrics
Display of important performance indicators:
- Total Clicks
- Total Revenue
- Commission
- Total Sales
Performance Metrics
Referral History
Track all referrals made by this affiliate:
Email Notifications
Automatic email notifications are sent to both parties:
To Program Owner:
To Affiliate:
Common Actions
The platform only tracks payments. Actual payment processing should be arranged directly between creator and affiliate.